Robert Corell, Epsilon Iota ’82 and James Cornacchia, Pi ’86 receive the Distinguished Alumni Service Award

The Distinguished Alumni Service Award was created at the 155th Convention in 1998 to recognize Alums who go above and beyond and make great contributions to their chapters and the mission and values of Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Since that time 32 alums have received this recognition of achievement.

Recently we have delivered this to two very deserving alums for their lifetime of service to Psi Upsilon and their respective chapters.

Robert Corell, Epsilon Iota ’82

Robert Corell, Epsilon Iota ’82 (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) was recognized at the Epsilon Iota Founder’s Day dinner on April 7. Bob was a founder of the Epsilon Iota Chapter, undergraduate President, has served as a President of the Alumni Association multiple times, and has served on the Executive Council of Psi Upsilon. From his recommendation: “Robert has been a true rock for the fraternity. Collegiate Undergraduate and Alumni associations can famously have short institutional memories as membership and active engagement turn over; Robert’s continuous presence at both business and social events has created persistent stability and a sense of continuous connection between many generations of Epsilon Iota brothers.”

James Cornacchia, Pi ’86

James Cornacchia, Pi ’86 (Syracuse) was recognized at the New York City Perfect Pint event on April 18th. Jim has served on the Pi Trust for over 25 years and has served as an advisor and fundraiser for the chapter – helping organize initiations, senior dinners, homecoming and other events for the Pi. From his recommendation: “Jim Cornacchia should have been given this award every year. He has gone above and beyond for the Pi chapter consistently semester after semester… He has a very unique passion and real enthusiasm for all things Pi and keeps old memories alive through a sheer force of will (for example) Jim found out about the passing of a brother who was a WWII flying ace. He immediately felt the right thing to do was find history and a photo of him and create a lasting tribute for him in the main room of the Pi…”

You can see all past recipients of this award on our recognition page and if you know of an alum who is missing from this list, and has done a lot for your chapter, please take a moment to recommend them to our Awards Committee as we know there are many alums who are doing great things for our chapters and haven’t been recognized yet!

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