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The history of Psi Upsilon is long and storied, and has produced many documents, songbooks, magazines, directories, and written works, many of which are stored physically at the International Office in Indianapolis.

The Psi Upsilon Digital Archives project is providing access to a selection of the records and heritage materials of the Fraternity archives in support of the Fraternity’s educational mission. To participate in the tagging and archiving work of the project or to contribute to financially support the project, please contact Director of Member Engagement Jonathan M Chaffin, Gamma Tau’00.

This content is presented as originally created. Some examples may contain some instances of outdated cultural depictions, or ethnic, sexual, or and racial prejudices that were wrong then and are wrong today. Psi Upsilon champions the highest moral, intellectual, academic and social values as they are understood today; such content is presented only in furtherance of broader historical context and does not reflect the organization in modern times. Psi Upsilon’s values are lifelong friendship, moral leadership, intellectual engagement, responsible social conduct, and service to society. Racism, xenophobia, violence, and any form of discrimination is not congruent with our values in any way. To truly live the mission of Psi Upsilon all members must condemn any and all acts of bigotry and hatred wherever they may come across it.

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