Privacy Policy

Psi Upsilon is committed to protecting your privacy. We promise that we will take steps to use your personal information only in ways that are compatible with this Privacy Policy. There are times we need information to provide services you request, and this statement of policy explains data collection and use in those situations.

Information Collection and Use

We will ask for information that personally identifies you or allows us to contact you only in specific situations. Generally, this information is requested when you join our organization, update your record on our database, make donations, place orders through the online store, complete forms or surveys, pay membership, insurance or event fees or request information. Sometimes you may provide information to our vendors in which case the information will be protected in accordance with their privacy policies. You may correct and update your information through this form.

Any contact or general membership information obtained through Psi Upsilon or its affiliate organizations may be used by chapters, chapter alumni associations, chapter house corporations, alumni special-interest groups, and the Psi Upsilon Foundation for the purposes of communicating information regarding events, volunteer opportunities and other relevant information, and for soliciting their own members for the purpose of obtaining contributions or dues for the benefit of those entities. No member, officer, chapter or affiliated entity of Psi Upsilon or The Psi Upsilon Foundation shall circularize the Fraternity, its chapters or alumni & volunteer associations, active members or alumni to solicit funds for any commercial service or purpose (including those provided by members) without the express written approval of the Executive Director.

Psi Upsilon considers an individual’s donor history to be private and does not share this detail with anyone outside of staff and volunteer leadership such as the Executive Council, Foundation Board of Directors and Alumni and Volunteer Corporations. However, Psi Upsilon does publicly recognize its donors through its giving societies which group donors within a band of giving. Donors may opt out of this public recognition at any time by requesting their giving remain anonymous.

Communication Preferences


As a membership organization, members are automatically opted in to receive email communications from us as part of their membership benefits. You can opt out of our group email communications by clicking “unsubscribe” or you can contact us by using this form to update your communication preferences.


As a membership organization, members are automatically opted in to receive text messages from us as part of their membership benefits. These text messages may include updates, promotions, and important information about our organization. However, if a member no longer wishes to receive these text messages, they may opt out at any time by simply replying to the text message with the word “STOP.” Upon receiving the unsubscribe request, we will promptly remove the member from our mass texting list. No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes.

Please note that opting out of our mass texting program may result in missing out on important updates and information. We encourage members to regularly check their email and other communication channels to stay informed about the latest news and events from our organization.


As a membership organization, members are automatically opted in to appearing in the directory projects. This directory allows volunteers and members in good standing to search for members by city, state, chapter and name. You can be removed from the Directory at any time by contacting the Executive Director. Likewise, when we embark on a Directory Project you will receive notices to the most recent contact information we have for you and provide you the option to opt out.

Use of Your Personal Information

We use your personal information for these primary reasons:

  • To help us create and deliver content most relevant to you.
  • To communicate special events and announcements.
  • To assist local chapters and their alumni communicate news, recruit volunteers and fundraise for chapter priorities including housing, scholarships, etc.

We occasionally contract with other companies to provide limited services on our behalf, including packaging, mailing, and delivery services. We will provide those companies only the information they need to deliver the service. No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes.

Security of Personal Information

Psi Upsilon strictly protects the security of your personal information and honors your choices for its intended use. We carefully protect your data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Requests for information by unauthorized parties follow a strict review process for release of information and must be for fraternity purposes only.

Information shared inside the organization is shared only on a need-to-know basis.

Changes to this Statement

Psi Upsilon will occasionally update this policy statement. When we do, we will also revise the “last updated” date at the bottom of the privacy statement.

Questions and Suggestions

Should you have questions or suggestions, please contact us at:

Thomas Fox
Executive Director
Psi Upsilon Fraternity
1389 W 86th St. #345
Indianapolis, IN 46260

Date of Revised Policy: June 2024

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